Belinda Kimble: Weaving a Tapestry of Crochet Memories

Belinda's enchanting journey into the world of crochet began in her tender years. Under the watchful eyes and patient hands of her mom and grandmother, she and her cousin were introduced to the art of crochet. The neighborhood road was their backdrop, where sitting in a quiet ditch, they'd let their imaginations and hands weave stories with yarn. Among her earliest masterpieces were the afghans, vibrant and warm, that draped elegantly over the family couch. Each stitch was a testament to her growing passion and skill.

Fast forward four decades, and the flame of Belinda's love for crochet remains undiminished. Just in the past year, she's embarked on numerous projects, crafting more than ten afghans for family and friends. Baby gifts, Christmas presents, and countless other creations have found their way from her nimble fingers to the hearts of their recipients. Every piece she creates is not merely an item, but a challenge undertaken, a new story woven, a gift imbued with love and dedication.

A serendipitous encounter with a Crochetree ad on Facebook led her into a new avenue of crochet adventures. The intricate designs and lovable characters beckoned her, and before long, she had brought to life the delightful Hannah doll. With excitement in her heart, she's now journeying through the creation of Melissa. 

Each doll is more than just a project for Belinda; it's a cherished gift for her granddaughters, one she hopes they'll treasure. In her eyes, these dolls aren’t just toys but symbols of a rich family tradition, an embodiment of love, and a continuation of the crochet legacy she began all those years ago sitting by the road.


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"I was thrilled to find this pattern. Not only did it provide an excellent tutorial, but when I needed assistance working on the pattern, the designer responded immediately with detailed information. I fully recommend purchasing patterns from Crochetree." - Carol Anne Boljevic

  • Easy to Follow Patterns

    If you know how the basic crochet stitches and how to read a simple pattern, you can make one of our dolls.

  • Unique & Adorable Styles

    Stand out with an amazing collection of distinctive and charming crochet doll patterns.

  • Step-by-Step Guidance

    Detailed instructions and plenty of images ensure a smooth and enjoyable crafting experience, from start to finish.

  • Unleash Your Creativity

    Boost your confidence and artistic skills while creating heartwarming, handmade treasures.

  • 24/7 Dedicated Support 

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Founded by the Designer Ticiana Larocca

Craft Your Joy: Effortless Patterns for Unforgettable Crochet Dolls!

Discover the joy of crafting adorable crochet dolls with Crochetree, where we've made it our mission to simplify the process for you! So dive into the delightful world of crochet with us and experience the sheer magic of transforming yarn into charming companions!

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